At Dayspring living, learning and loving is not limited to a Sunday morning schedule! Often, the best insights and spiritual moments come when we're working side-by-side in local service projects such as U R Special Ministries. Or when we're sharing the hardships of poverty in places like Honduras, where we build latrines, provide medical services, work with orphans, and teach in schools. We learn about ourselves; we learn about our world and its injustices; we learn about how the love of Christ can heal and restore lives. We encounter true courage and remarkable faith, and we are inspired.
The Bible calls us to "go into all the world" and here at Dayspring as we are seeking to connect people to life in Christ, we want to do just that! We are here to reach out to those around us and help those in need. Listed below are some of our larger missions efforts. Please contact us if you would like to find ways to serve other locally or abroad.
U R Special Ministries, Inc. exists to foster self-esteem and healthy lifestyles in needy and at-risk children. We do so by providing new, one-of-a-kind outfits of clothing for the children of Edmond, Oklahoma, and distributing it to them in ways that are celebratory, interactive, and affirming.
Although the founders and principals of U R Special Ministries, Inc. are Christians, we offer our service and love to the children and families in our community without regard to religion, race, or ethnic background.
Predisan's name describes our purpose well. "Predisan" comes from two Spanish words meaning "to proclaim" and "to heal," as in Luke 9:2 when Jesus sent out the apostles "to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." In short, we are about "Proclaiming Jesus, Healing Lives."
Predisan, Catacamas, Honduras, exists as a Christian healthcare organization so that individuals and populations in the Predisan service area experience wholeness – physical, spiritual, social, economic and environmental – according to God's redemptive plan.
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