Dayspring Verse
Learn at Dayspring


Learning is a lifelong delight at Dayspring. We invite believers as well as seekers to take part in our classes, which are informal, full of laughter and lively discussion. We respect diverse understandings and invite full participation in the learning experience. Convinced that shared learning can be faith-building and fun, we connect with the ancient maxim that the Christian life is "faith seeking understanding."

Of course learning is not limited to a Sunday morning schedule! Often, the best insights come when we're working side-by-side in local service projects such as U R Special Ministries. Or when we're sharing the hardships of poverty in places like Honduras, where we build latrines, provide medical services, work with orphans, and teach in schools. We learn about ourselves; we learn about our world and its injustices; we learn about how the love of Christ can heal and restore lives. We encounter true courage and remarkable faith, and we are inspired.

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